In the kNOW Dec 10, 2020

Potable Reuse: Nature Reuses Water Endlessly, Why Don't We?

In the kNow Webinar

随着人口激增和工业用水需求的增加,自然和人为对全球供水的威胁变得更加复杂. Since there is no new water on Earth, all 水经过自然循环,基本上是经过处理的循环水, tested and returned to homes and businesses as drinking water. In recent decades, 有远见的组织希望通过回收曾经被视为废物的水来增加水的供应,从而更紧密地复制自然.

在这个网络研讨会中,您将了解为什么可饮用重用不仅是一个安全的解决方案, it is also a future-proof and environmentally friendly one. Potable Reuse provides a locally-controlled, drought-proof water supply, 消除了对专用输送系统的需求,并减少了储存需求,因为水可以留在系统内-在需要的地方提供水,并为有弹性的城市提供强大的水供应.


  • Larry Schimmoller,水再利用全球技术总监,Jacobs -主持人
  • Germano Salazar-Benites, Hampton Roads环卫区SWIFT项目经理
  • Tyler Nading, Senior Technologist, Jacobs
  • Jim Lozier, Desalination Global Technology Director, Jacobs
  • David Pedersen, General Manager, Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, Administering Agent, Las Virgenes-Triunfo Joint Powers Authority
Potable Reuse

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Potable Reuse: Nature Reuses Water Endlessly, Why Don't We?